How to submit a Complaint Form

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  • Login to your MyOIA account
  • Once you have logged in, select “Create New Complaint” on the right-hand side of the page
  • Read the introduction and select “Start a new Complaint Form”
Screenshot of the screen home screen when you have logged in to MyOIA
Screenshot of the screen home screen when you have logged in to MyOIA.

Each section expands to show you the information that we need. Questions and sections which you must answer, including the declaration, are clearly shown. We will not start reviewing your complaint until you submit your Complaint Form.

Your Complaint Form saves as you go along and you can come back to the form at any time during the next 90 days. If you decide not to submit your Complaint Form please contact us and we can delete it for you. We will delete draft Complaint Forms that have not been submitted after 90 days. 

Once you submit your Complaint Form you will not be able to make any further changes to it from your MyOIA account. You will be able to see a read-only copy of your Complaint Form by logging in to your MyOIA account.

Once we have received your complaint, we will do some initial checks on your Complaint Form and send you an email with some information about what will happen next. If you have not received this email within three working days please check your spam or junk email folder, and then contact us.