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The Higher Education Act 2004 required that an independent body should be set up to run a student complaints scheme in England and Wales. The OIA was chosen to run this scheme. Our Rules set out how we do this.

The 2004 Act defines the higher education providers that are required to be members of our Scheme. Other higher education organisations can also apply to become members.

Learn more about our membership.

Our Scheme is funded by compulsory subscriptions from our members.

In this section

Our Rules

Our Rules set out how our Scheme works, who can complain, what we can and can’t look at, how we review complaints, and what higher education providers should do

Our members

Find out more about membership and the members of our Scheme

Our subscriptions

Find out more about how we are funded, details of our core subscription fee rates and information about our case-fee element for 2024

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

We are approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) as a consumer alternative dispute resolution (ADR) body

Advisory panels

Find out more about our advisory panels

Judicial review

Find out more about judicial review challenges to the OIA