Postgraduate students - CS062408

Due to a staffing restructure, a member of academic staff who was the lead supervisor for a PhD student accepted a redundancy package which took immediate effect. The provider took four months to confirm the student’s new supervisory team. The student made a complaint about how long this had taken and about unclear communications.

Postgraduate students - CS062401

An international PhD student made an application to extend their period of studies. This was their fourth extension request.

Postgraduate students - CS062406

An international PhD student was being sponsored by the government in their home country. When they submitted their thesis, it was not successful.

Postgraduate students - CS062407

A student was registered on a full-time MRes programme. At the end of two years of study, students who met certain academic requirements could be considered for transfer onto a PhD programme.

Academic appeal - CS052402

A student passed a foundation year course but did not meet the grade boundary to progress onto a four-year MPharm course.

Academic appeal - CS052403

A student submitted their assignment online, four minutes after the submission deadline.

Disabled student - CS052409

A student with an autistic spectrum condition and a physical disability was studying a course in the performing arts at one provider (provider A) leading to the award of another provider (provider B).

Placement - CS032404

A teaching student’s placement school raised concerns about their professional suitability and the student was immediately withdrawn from the placement. The provider then began Fitness to Practise (FtP) proceedings against the student and their studies were terminated the following term.

Placement - CS032408

A teaching student told their provider that they wanted to withdraw from their placement and submitted a complaint about their placement experience. The student said that there had been delays in putting support and reasonable adjustments in place for their disability.

Placement - CS032401

A postgraduate student enrolled on a two-year programme. The second year of the programme was an optional industrial placement. Toward the end of their first year the student successfully secured a placement and provided details to the programme’s placement team.