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PUTTING THINGS RIGHT - What sort of remedies might we recommend?

What sort of remedies might we recommend?

Wherever possible our Recommendations will try to provide the student with a practical remedy. If a practical remedy is unavailable or inadequate we will consider financial compensation. We try to put things right for a student, but we do not make Recommendations designed to punish a provider or require a provider to pay a penalty or fine.

If the provider offers a remedy before a complaint is brought to us, or while we are looking at the complaint, we will normally consider whether the offer was reasonable. Depending on the circumstances, we might recommend or suggest that the provider repeats its offer or proposes an alternative remedy. Keep in mind that if we recommend a provider offers financial compensation, the amount we recommend might be higher or lower than the provider’s earlier offer.

When we make Recommendations, we will give the student and the provider the opportunity to comment on them before we confirm our Recommendations.